
Advantages and Disadvantages of Network  

Advantages of network

File sharing

One of the most common benefits of the network is sharing the information. We can share the data from one place to another place directly with using any removable storage device such that USB.  also shares the hardware like that printer, DVD, etc.

Software Cost and Management

Networking manages the overall cost of the administration by sharing the software and hardware.


Specific directories password protected to limit access to authorized users. Also, files and programs designated as “copy inhibit” so you don’t have to worry about the illegal copying of programs.

Resource Sharing

All computers in the network can share resources such as printers, fax machines, modems, and scanners.

Flexible Access

Allow their users to access files from computers throughout the network. This means that a user can begin work on a project on one computer and finish upon another. Multiple users also collaborate on the same project through the N.


  • Server faults stop applications being available
  • Networks faults can cause loss of data.
  • Network fault could lead to loss of resources
  • User work dependent upon Networks
  • System open to hackers
  • Decisions tend to become centralized
  • Could become inefficient
  • Could degrade in performance
  • Resources could be located too far from users

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salman khan

Written by worldofitech

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