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amazon web services management console

AWS – Management Console

AWS Management Console is a web application for overseeing Amazon Web Services. AWS Management Console comprises of a rundown of different administrations to look over. It additionally gives all data identified with our record like charging.

This console provides an inbuilt UI to perform AWS errands like working with Amazon S3 basins, propelling and associating with Amazon EC2 examples, setting Amazon CloudWatch cautions, and so on.

Following is the screen capture of AWS the board support for Amazon EC2 services.

AWS - Management Console

How to Access AWS?

Stage 1 − Click on services. We get a list of different services.

 AWS - Management Console

Stage 2 − Select the choice from the list of categories and we get their sub-classifications, for example, Computer and Database class is chosen in the accompanying screen captures.

 AWS - Management Console

Stage 3 − Select the services of your choice and the console of that services will open.

Customizing the Dashboard

Creating Services Shortcuts

Snap the Edit menu on the navigation bar and a list of services shows up. We can make their alternate routes by essentially hauling them from the menu bar to the navigation bar.

 AWS - Management Console

Adding Services Shortcuts

At the point when we drag the services from the menu bar to the route bar, the alternate way will be made and included. We can likewise mastermind them in any request. In the accompanying screen capture, we have made alternate ways for S3, EMR and DynamoDB services.

 AWS - Management Console

Deleting Services Shortcuts

To delete the shortcut, click the alter menu and drag the alternate route from the route bar to the administration menu. The easy route will be evacuated. In the accompanying screen capture, we have expelled the easy route for EMR services.

 AWS - Management Console

Choosing a Region

A considerable lot of the administrations are district explicit and we have to choose a locale with the goal that assets can be overseen. A portion of the administrations doesn’t require a district to be chosen like AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).

To choose an area,
 AWS - Management Console

Changing the Password

We can change the password of our AWS account. To change the password, the following are the steps.

Stage 1 − Click the account name on the left half of the navigation bar.

 AWS - Management Console

Stage 2 − Choose Security Credentials and another page will open having different choices. Select the secret phrase alternative to change the secret word and adhere to the guidelines.

Stage 3 − After signing in, a page opens again having certain alternatives to change the password and follow the instructions.

 AWS - Management Console

When successful, we will receive a confirmation message.

Know Your Billing Information

Snap the account name in the navigation bar and choose the ‘Charging and Cost Management’ alternative.

 AWS - Management Console

Now a new page will open having all the information related to the money section. Using this service, we can pay AWS bills, monitor our usage and budget estimation.

 AWS - Management Console

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salman khan

Written by worldofitech

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