Elements of the Environments of Microsoft word 2007
When we open the ms word 2007 then the following elements are observed:
The very first bar at the top is called the title bar which contains close maximize and minimize button and in the center, the document name and on the left side contains the Quick Access toolbar.
The Ribbon
The most outstanding feature of Word 2007 is the Ribbon, which replaces the menus and toolbars found in previous versions of Microsoft Word. The ribbon consists of three areas:
Tabs – these are at the top of the ribbon, e.g. Home, Insert, Page Layout, etc.
Groups – each tab has its own set of groups – e.g. the Home tab contains the Clipboard, Font, and Paragraph, etc. Some groups also have a small button in the lower right-hand corner known as the Dialog Box Launcher from which further options are available. When a different tab is selected, the groups change accordingly.
Commands these are the buttons, boxes or menus relative to each group, e.g. the alignment, and bullets and numbering buttons are in the Paragraph group, while Find Replace is in the Editing group. (Note: resting the mouse pointer on command will display a tip describing the feature.)
The Office Button
In the top left-hand corner of the window is the Office button, from where you find commands to open, save, print and close your file.
Quick Access Toolbar
Next to the Office button is the Quick Access Toolbar, which contains items you use regularly, e.g. the Save button, and the Undo and Redoes last action buttons.
The Status Bar
The status bar at the bottom of the window can display items such as the current page number, section, number of words in the document, etc. Right-click the bar, to select the options you require.
Zoom Slider
In the bottom right-hand corner of the window, on the status bar, is the Zoom slider. To view your document at different percentages, click the plus or minus buttons.
Document View Buttons
These are situated next to the Zoom Slider. Simply click one of the five buttons to view your document as Print Layout, Full-Screen Web Layout, Outline or Draft.
Creating a new Blank Document
- Click on the office button
- Click on New Button
- Select Blank Document
- And click on Create Button.
Creating a new document from the template
Click on office button on the upper left corner of the screen
Click new and in the left side install template
Select any template e.g., Urban Latter
Click on create button
Opening an Existing Document
- Click the Office button.
- The Recent Documents list will show the last few files you have opened. If the file is one of these, simply click it.
- To open a file not shown, click the Open icon on the left, then navigate to the correct folder to locate it.
Saving a File as a Word 2007 Document
Always save a new file as soon as you create it, and then save it regularly while you work on it.
Click the Office button, then click Save.
Select the location where you want to save your file.
By default its save in My Documents folder.
In the File Name box, type in a meaningful name of your choice. File names can be up to 255 characters long.
When you save a new file in Word 2007, by default it will be saved as a .docx file, allowing you to use the new features specific to Word 2007.
Click on Save. From now on your file can be saved by clicking the Save button in the Quick Access toolbar.
Closing Files
To close a file, click the Office button and then click on the Close
To close Word completely, click the Exit Word button