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How to Crop a Photo in CorelDRAW

How to Crop a Photo in CorelDRAW
How to Crop a Photo in CorelDRAW

How to Crop a Photo in CorelDRAW

Every now and then we may snap a picture and feel that the subject may look better if segments of the picture were trimmed out. CorelPHOTO-PAINT makes it exceptionally simple to fix your photograph by eliminating what you don’t need.

1. Open the Image

There are a few different ways to open the picture. From the Welcome Screen, select Get Started and afterward click on the catch to Open Document, then again, from File > Open.

2. Select the Crop Tool

From the Toolbox on the left half of the screen, Select the fourth tool down. This is the crop tool. Left snap and drag the crap outline. You can broaden or reduce the cropping area by dragging the cropping handles. You can likewise Move the cropping area by clicking and dragging inside the cropping zone to reposition it. At the point when you are fulfilled, double-tap inside the crop outline.

3. Next steps

Since the picture has been trimmed, you can save the file out or proceeding to alter your picture.

Thanks for reading! We hope you found this tutorial helpful and we would love to hear your feedback in the Comments section below. And show us what you’ve learned by sharing your photos and creative projects with us.

salman khan

Written by worldofitech

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