In this article, you will learn-
How to Add a Vignette Effect in CorelDRAW
The Vignette effect has been around as long as photography. Initially, it was used to hide objects and bring the center to the subject. Nowadays it tends to be used to hide objects but on the other hand, is used to improve the picture too.
For this guide, we’ll be using CorelPHOTO-PAINT, included in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
1. Open the Image
There are several different ways to open the picture. From the Welcome Screen, select Get Started and afterward click on the catch to Open Document, then again, from File > Open.
2. Including the Vignette
This is finished by going Effects > Creative > Vignette. In the Vignette dialog, Start by choosing Other under Color and use the eyedropper apparatus to get the shade of earthy colored in the hair lace. For Shape, select Ellipse. With the modification sliders, there is the alternative to change the Offset and the Fade. Play with these until you get the ideal impact, at that point click OK.
3. Next Steps
Since you have applied the effect, you can save the file out or proceeding to alter your picture in different manners
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