
Types of Unguided Media

Definition of Unguided Media

The unguided media is likewise called wireless communication. It doesn’t need any physical medium to transmit electromagnetic signals. In unguided media, the electromagnetic signals are broadcasted through the air to everybody. These signals are accessible to one who has the gadget equipped for receiving those signals.

The unguided media is additionally called unbounded media as it doesn’t have any line constraint. The unguided media allows the user to associate constantly, as the correspondence is wireless the user can interface himself from anyplace to the network.

The unguided media is classified into radio waves, microwaves, and infrared waves. The radio waves are created effectively; they are low-recurrence signals and can travel a significant distance. The radio waves can penetrate through the structures.

The microwaves are transmitted in a straight line and consequently require line-of-sight transmission. The distance covered by the microwave signal relies upon the stature of the two radio wire. More the taller are reception apparatuses longer is the distance covered by the sign. The microwave has a recurrence higher than the radio waves. Microwave is used for phone correspondence cell phones, TV distribution, and so on

Infrared waves are used for short-range correspondence. Like, the remote control for TVs, VCRs, and so forth uses infrared waves. It can not infiltrate through obstructions. A government license isn’t needed, to work an infrared framework as it is safer against eavesdropping.

Related: Difference Between Guided and Unguided Media

Wireless Medias or unguided media

When it is impossible to install wires and cables or cabling is expensive then you can use wireless Media. Wireless media generate higher electromagnetic frequencies, such as radio waves, microwaves, & infrared. They transmit a signal over a long distance. In wireless transmission, various types of electromagnetic waves are used to transmit signals. Radio satellite transmission visible light, infrared light, x- rays, and gamma rays.

Wireless media consist of:

  • Radio waves transmission
  • Microwave transmission
  • Infrared transmission

Radio wave transmission

The radio wave one of the types of wireless media in which electromagnetic (radio) energy travels from a transmitting antenna to a receiving antenna. It is used for the radio and TV programs for the portable phone. The computer data also transmitted in the form of radio waves. It does not require a direct physical connection between computers. Each computer attaches to an antenna that transmits and receives radiofrequency. There are two principal ways in which electromagnetic energy travels from a transmitting antenna to a receiving antenna. One is by ground waves that travel near the surface of the earth and the other is by sky waves that are reflected back to earth from the ionosphere.

Types of radio waves

Short wave

This type of radio wave frequencies generally 1.6–30 MHz, just above the medium wave band and about 10 to 80 m (33 to 262 feet) in length. FM and medium wave (MW) are commonly called am. Is an example of short wave transmission.

Very high frequency (VHF)

The VHF is an abbreviation of very high frequency. VHF wavelength between 1 and 10 meters and a frequency between 300 and 30 megahertz. Vhf signals are widely employed for television and radio transmissions.

Ultra-high frequency (UHF)

The UHF (ultrahigh frequency) range of the radio spectrum is the band extending from 300 MHz to 3 GHz. The wavelengths corresponding to these limit frequencies are 1 meter and 10 centimeters.

Microwave transmission

Microwave transmission transmits the signal via radio using a series of microwave towers. Microwave communication is the most common wireless communication medium and is spread widely across the world. The wireless access points and wireless devices work on microwave communication. This communication medium widely used in computers and also cellular communication as well.

Infrared transmission

Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation which has a frequency range between approximately 1 and 430 THz .infrared communication device use infrared light beams to transmit signal. Infrared is one of the most primitive forms of wireless communication.  Infrared networks need to have the two devices in line with each other with an angle of +_15 degrees.


Satellite communication is also a type of wireless communication but less used in the local networks. It operates over very long distances and at very high-frequency ranges differ widely as well. A satellite has the ability to receive signals from earth and to retransmit those signals back with the use of a transponder.

Difference between Guided and Unguided Media

Guided Media:

In this type of media, signal energy is enclosed and guided inside a solid medium. The guided media is used either for highlight point interface or an imparted connection to different associations. In guided media, obstruction is produced by emanations in the adjacent cables Proper shielding of guided media is needed to diminish the obstruction issue.

Unguided Media:

In the unguided media, the signal energy spreads through a wireless medium. The wireless media is used for radio broadcasting every which way. Microwave links are picked for significant distance broadcasting transmission unguided media. Interference is likewise an issue in unguided media, covering recurrence bands from contending signals can modify or eliminate a signal.

We should see the distinction between the Guided Media and Unguided Media:


Guided Media

Unguided Media


The signal energy propagates through wires in guided media.

The signal energy propagates through the air in unguided media.


Guided media is used for point to point communication.

Unguided media is generally suited for radio broadcasting in all directions.


Discrete network topologies are formed by the guided media.

Continuous network topologies are formed by the unguided media.


Signals are in the form of voltage, current, or photons in the guided media.

Signals are in the form of electromagnetic waves in unguided media.


<Examples of guided media are twisted pair wires, coaxial cables, optical fiber cables.

Examples of unguided media are microwave or radio links and infrared light.


By adding more wires, the transmission can be expanded in guided media.

It is not possible to obtain additional capacity in unguided media.




salman khan

Written by worldofitech


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