How to Delete a User from My Computer
When you create a new user account in Windows, a similarly named folder is also created on your local hard drive. Erasing latent client profiles and their client organizers expand hard drive space and improve security, constraining the openness to the computer and you’re put away records.
Deleting a User Login
To delete a user from a local Windows 8 operating system, first, evacuate the record’s login ability by exploring to “Control Panel” and then “User Accounts.” Click “Manage User Accounts” and remove the username from the list. Once removed, restart the computer to verify the account is no longer active.
Deleting a User Folder
Since you have evacuated the login capacity for this client, you can erase the user’s privately put away documents. To remove these files, delete the user’s profile folder located under the “Users” folder on the C drive. The folder name depends on the username that you simply expelled. When you have evacuated this envelope, any substance that the user has saved is lost.