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How to Make a Car Magnet in CorelDRAW

How to Make a Car Magnet in CorelDRAW
How to Make a Car Magnet in CorelDRAW

How to Make a Car Magnet in CorelDRAW

Vehicle magnets are all over the place and arrive in a wealth of shapes and sizes. A portion of the larger ones promote organizations and can have complex shapes and various hues. Others are littler, flaunting a school name or a visited country.

In this tutorial, we’ll design a basic vehicle magnet with an oval shape.

1. Make the Outline

From (File > New) under Name: type Car Magnet. Pick or set a paper size that can accommodate a 6″ x 4″ oval shape, and use RGB for shading mode.

Use the Ellipse tool (F7) to draw a circle of any size. In the Interactive Property Bar, set the width to 6″ and the height to 4″.

2. Include a Border

Select the Contour tool, and snap the oval as the item to shape. Set Inside Contour and 2 Contour Steps. Snap again on the oval, drag the mouse to where you need the internal shape, and when the mouse button is delivered, you’ll have two equitably spaced contours.

To fill in the thin border strip, use the Smart Fill tool.

3. Include Content

Presently we can get or make the content and graphics for our magnet. The content in this model is straight, until further notice.

Most oval vehicle magnets like this one have curved content along the top and base. To do this, use Pick to choose the content you need to twist. At that point select Text > Fit Text to Path, and move your mouse to the bend to which the content will adjust. For the lower text, that turns over when connected to the circle, use the Mirror symbols on the Interactive Property Bar.

4. Prep for Printing

The print curve will follow the first circle. But since of the Contour and Fit to Text activities, our oval is currently gathered with the content and forms that were made using it. This is most straightforward to find in the Object Manager docker.

To isolate out the circle from these different items, first feature the content and press Ctrl + K to break it separated. At that point with the Ellipse and Contour Group chosen, press Ctrl + K once more.

Since the ellipse is not, at this point assembled with some other object, we can use the Object Properties docker to appoint it the properties required by the cutting machine that will be used. Commonly this includes allotting a Hairline thickness and a printer-specific color.

Thanks for reading! We hope you found this tutorial helpful and we would love to hear your feedback in the Comments section below. And show us what you’ve learned by sharing your photos and creative projects with us.

salman khan

Written by worldofitech

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