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C Dynamic Memory Allocation

C Dynamic Memory Allocation
C Dynamic Memory Allocation

C Dynamic Memory Allocation

C Dynamic Memory Allocation: In this tutorial, you’ll learn to dynamically allocate memory in your C program using standard library functions: malloc(), calloc(), free() and realloc().

As you know, an array is an assortment of a fixed number of qualities. When the size of a cluster is proclaimed, you can’t transform it.

In some cases, the size of the cluster you announced might be deficient. To understand this issue, you can assign memory physically during run-time. This is known as a powerful memory designation in C programming.

To allot memory progressively, library functions are malloc(), calloc(), realloc() and free() are used. These capacities are characterized in the <stdlib.h> header file.

C malloc()

The name “malloc” stands for memory allocation.

The malloc() function reserves a block of memory of the specified number of bytes. And, it returns a pointer of void which can be cast into pointers of any form.

Syntax of malloc()

ptr = (castType*) malloc(size);


ptr = (float*) malloc(100 * sizeof(float));

The above statement allocates 400 bytes of memory. It’s because the size of float is 4 bytes.  And, the pointer ptr holds the address of the first byte in the allocated memory. The expression results in a NULL pointer if the memory cannot be allocated.

C calloc()

The name “calloc” stands for contiguous allocation.

The malloc() function allocates memory and leaves the memory uninitialized. Whereas, the calloc() function allocates memory and initializes all bits to zero.

Syntax of calloc()

ptr = (castType*)calloc(n, size);


ptr = (float*) calloc(25, sizeof(float));

The above statement allocates contiguous space in memory for 25 elements of type float.

C free()

Dynamically allocated memory made with either calloc() or malloc() doesn’t get liberated all alone. You should expressly utilize free() to discharge the space.

Syntax of free()


This statement frees the space allocated in the memory pointed by ptr.

Example 1: malloc() and free()

// Program to calculate the sum of n numbers entered by the user

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    int n, i, *ptr, sum = 0;

    printf("Enter number of elements: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    ptr = (int*) malloc(n * sizeof(int));
    // if memory cannot be allocated
    if(ptr == NULL)                     
        printf("Error! memory not allocated.");

    printf("Enter elements: ");
    for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        scanf("%d", ptr + i);
        sum += *(ptr + i);

    printf("Sum = %d", sum);
    // deallocating the memory

    return 0;

Here, we have dynamically allocated the memory for n number of int.

Example 2: calloc() and free()

// Program to calculate the sum of n numbers entered by the user

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    int n, i, *ptr, sum = 0;
    printf("Enter number of elements: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    ptr = (int*) calloc(n, sizeof(int));
    if(ptr == NULL)
        printf("Error! memory not allocated.");

    printf("Enter elements: ");
    for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        scanf("%d", ptr + i);
        sum += *(ptr + i);

    printf("Sum = %d", sum);
    return 0;

C realloc()

If the dynamically allocated memory is inadequate or more than required, you can change the size of recently dispensed memory using the realloc() function.

Syntax of realloc()

ptr = realloc(ptr, x);

Here, ptr is reallocated with a new size x.

Example 3: realloc()

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    int *ptr, i , n1, n2;
    printf("Enter size: ");
    scanf("%d", &n1);

    ptr = (int*) malloc(n1 * sizeof(int));

    printf("Addresses of previously allocated memory: ");
    for(i = 0; i < n1; ++i)
         printf("%u\n",ptr + i);

    printf("\nEnter the new size: ");
    scanf("%d", &n2);

    // rellocating the memory
    ptr = realloc(ptr, n2 * sizeof(int));

    printf("Addresses of newly allocated memory: ");
    for(i = 0; i < n2; ++i)
         printf("%u\n", ptr + i);

    return 0;

When you run the program, the output will be:

Enter size: 2
Addresses of previously allocated memory:26855472

Enter the new size: 4
Addresses of newly allocated memory:26855472

Please feel free to give your comment if you face any difficulty here.

salman khan

Written by worldofitech

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