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How to Add Effects to Photos in CorelDRAW

How to Add Effects to Photos in CorelDRAW
How to Add Effects to Photos in CorelDRAW

How to Add Effects to Photos in CorelDRAW

If you need to add an effect to your picture, there are more than 100 effects that are in CorelPHOTO-PAINT and all are very easy to include. The most troublesome part is to pick the one that accomplishes the impact that you are searching for.

1. Open the Image

There are a few different ways to open the picture. From the Welcome Screen, select Get Started and afterward click on the catch to Open Document, on the other hand, from File > Open.

2. Apply an effect

From the Effects menu, you can see that there are various sub-menus. These are classifications of various sorts of effects. For this picture, we are going to Effects > Creative > Mosaic.

Choosing this will open the Mosaic discourse box. Here you can modify the size, background color, and whether a vignette gets applied. YOu will likewise see two symbols in the upper left corner. These are to take into consideration various kinds of seeing. Don’t hesitate to mess about it. When you have the appearance that you are searching for, click OK.

3. Nest steps

Since you have applied the effect, you can spare the file out or proceeding to alter your picture in different manners.

Thanks for reading! We hope you found this tutorial helpful and we would love to hear your feedback in the Comments section below. And show us what you’ve learned by sharing your photos and creative projects with us.

salman khan

Written by worldofitech

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