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Weather Data Sources for GIS

4 Weather Data Sources for GIS

1 NOAA’s National Weather Service (NWS)

Since 1870, the NWS gave meteorological perceptions to military stations and the seacoast. Their 150+ long periods of experience have improved their capacity to figure climate and record meteorological events.

The National Weather Service data is generally accessible in shapefile and keyhole markup language (KML). Their GIS climate information includes:

 Precipitation, snowfall, and temperature

 Flooding, hurricanes, fires and drought-related 

The NWS also has a huge database of recorded information (right back to 1950) with precipitation and weather/climate data.

There is also an option to attain Doppler radar with RIDGE images.

2 Meteorological Simulation Data Ingest System (MADIS)

MADIS stands for Meteorological Simulation Data Ingest System. It’s sort of like an extension of NOAA since it incorporates information from numerous stations including government, state, colleges, volunteers, and the private part.

By combining data from various sources, it converts into a better thickness and higher recurrence informational index. The MADIS GIS weather data contains real-time observational data for:

 Land surface (temperature, wind, relative humidity, precipitation)

 Radiosonde (weather balloons)

3 Esri Open Data Portal

Here’s the good news:

Esri has a lot of free GIS data explicitly for the weather. Also, it’s everything in one simple search in the Esri Open Data Hub.

Now, here’s the bad news:

There’s actually much data that you will make some hard memories to understand everything. From tropical storms to violent winds to plain old climate designs… the Esri Open Data Portal has many data sets with different degrees of quality.

It’s a developing network for open information. Yet, it’s not just weather-related.


PRISM stands for Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model.

This program uses point measurements of precipitation, temperature, other climate factors, a digital elevation model. On top of that, is uses expert knowledge to build a continuous climate model grid.

It’s described on their website that PRISM products “are recognized worldwide as the highest-quality spatial climate data sets currently available”.

GIS Datasets

salman khan

Written by worldofitech

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