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JavaScript String

JavaScript String
JavaScript String

In this tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript string with the assistance of examples.

JavaScript strings are used for storing and manipulating text.

The string is a primitive data type in JavaScript. A string is a textual substance. It should be enclosed in single or twofold quotes.

JavaScript string is a primitive data type that is used to work with texts. For instance,

const name = 'Salman';

Create JavaScript Strings

In JavaScript, strings are made by encompassing them with quotes. There are three different ways you can use quotes.

  • Single quotes: ‘Hello’
  • Double quotes: “Hello”
  • Backticks: Hello

For example,

//strings example
const name = 'Sohail';
const name1 = "Salman";
const result = `The names are ${name} and ${name1}`;

Single quotes and twofold quotes are essentially the equivalent and you can use both of them.

Backticks are by and large used when you need to incorporate variables or articulations into a string. This is finished by wrapping variables or articulations with ${variable or expression} as appeared above.

You can likewise write a quote inside another quote. For instance,

const name = 'My name is "Sohail".';

However, the quote should not match the surrounding quotes. For example,

const name = 'My name is 'Sohail'.'; // error

Access String Characters

You can get to the characters in a string twoly.

  • One path is to treat strings as an array. For instance,
const a = 'hello';
console.log(a[1]); // "e"
  • Another way is to use the method charAt(). For example,
const a = 'hello';
console.log(a.charAt(1)); // "e"

JavaScript Strings are immutable

In JavaScript, strings are immutable. That implies the characters of a string can’t be changed. For instance,

let a = 'hello';
a[0] = 'H';
console.log(a); // "hello"

However, you can assign the variable name to a new string. For example,

let a = 'hello';
a = 'Hello';
console.log(a); // "Hello"

JavaScript is Case-Sensitive

JavaScript is case-sensitive. That implies in JavaScript, the lowercase and uppercase letters are treated as various qualities. For instance,

const a = 'a';
const b = 'A'
console.log(a === b); // false

In JavaScript, a and A are treated as different values.

JavaScript Multiline Strings

To use a multiline string, you can either use the + operator or the \ operator. For instance,

// using the + operator
const message1 = 'This is a long message ' +
    'that spans across multiple lines' + 
    'in the code.'

// using the \ operator
const message2 = 'This is a long message \
that spans across multiple lines \
in the code.'

JavaScript String Length

To find the length of a string, you can use the built-in length property. For example,

const a = 'hello';
console.log(a.length); // 5

JavaScript String Objects

You can also create strings using the new keyword. For example,

const a = 'hello';
const b = new String('hello');

console.log(a); // "hello"
console.log(b); // "hello"

console.log(typeof a); // "string"
console.log(typeof b); // "object"

Note: It is prescribed to abstain from using string objects. Using string objects showdown the program.

JavaScript String Methods

Here are the normally utilized JavaScript String strategies:

charAt(index)returns the character at the specified index
concat()joins two or more strings
replace()replaces a string with another string
split()converts the string to an array of strings
substr(start, length)returns a part of a string
substring(start,end)returns a part of a string
slice(start, end)returns a part of a string
toLowerCase()returns the passed string in lower case
toUpperCase()returns the passed string in upper case
trim()removes whitespace from the strings
includes()searches for a string and returns a boolean value
search()searches for a string and returns a position of a match

Example: JavaScript String Methods

const text1 = 'hello';
const text2 = 'world';
const text3 = '     JavaScript    ';

// concatenating two strings
const result1 = text1.concat(' ', text2);
console.log(result1); // "hello world"

// converting the text to uppercase
const result2 = text1.toUpperCase();
console.log(result2); // HELLO

// removing whitespace from the string
const result3 = text3.trim();
console.log(result3); // JavaScript

// converting the string to an array
const result4 = text1.split();
console.log(result4); // ["hello"]

// slicing the string
const result5= text1.slice(1, 3);
console.log(result5); // "el"

JavaScript String() Function

The String() work is used to change over different data types to strings. For instance,

const a = 225; // number
const b = true; // boolean

//converting to string
const result1 = String(a);
const result2 = String(b);

console.log(result1); // "225"
console.log(result2); // "true"

If you want to learn more about string conversion, visit JavaScript Type Conversion.

Escape Character

You can use the backslash escape character \ to include special characters in a string. For example,

const name = 'My name is \'Sohail\'.';


My name is 'Sohail'.

In the above program, a similar quote is incorporated using .

Here are alternate ways that you can use \:

\”include double quote
\\include backslash
\nnew line
\rcarriage return
\vvertical tab
\thorizontal tab
\fform feed

Thanks for reading! We hope you found this tutorial helpful and we would love to hear your feedback in the Comments section below. And show us what you’ve learned by sharing your photos and creative projects with us.

salman khan

Written by worldofitech

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