In this tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript Number with the assistance of examples.
In this article, you will learn-
Definition and Usage
The Number() function changes the object contention over to a number that represents the object’s value. If the worth can’t be changed over to a legal number, NaN is returned.
The Number JavaScript object is a wrapper object allowing you to work with numerical values. A Number object is made using the Number() constructor. A primitive type object number is made using the Number() function.
In JavaScript, numbers are primitive data types. For instance,
const a = 3; const b = 3.13;
Dissimilar to in some other programming languages, you don’t need to explicitly proclaim for integer or floating values using int, float, and so forth
You can use remarkable notation e to incorporate too huge or too little numbers. For instance,
const a1 = 5e9; console.log(a1); //5000000000 const a2 = 5e-5; console.log(a2); // 0.00005
Numbers can also be denoted in hexadecimal notation. For example,
const a = 0xff; console.log(a); // 255 const b = 0x00 ; console.log(b); // 0
+Operator with Numbers
When + is used with numbers, it is used to add the numbers. For instance,
const a = 4 + 9; console.log(a); // 13
When + is used with numbers and strings, it is used to link them. For instance,
const a = '4' + 9; console.log(a); // 49
At the point when a numeric string is used with other numeric operations, the numeric string is changed over to a number. For instance,
const a = '4' - 2; console.log(a); // 2 const a = '4' / 2; console.log(a); // 2 const a = '4' * 2; console.log(a); // 8
JavaScript NaN
In JavaScript, NaN(Not a Number) is a catchphrase that shows that the worth is definitely not a number.
Performing arithmetic operations (except + ) to numeric incentive with string results in NaN. For instance,
const a = 4 - 'hello'; console.log(a); // NaN
The built-in function isNaN() can be used to find if a value is a number. For example,
const a = isNaN(9); console.log(a); // false const a = isNaN(4 - 'hello'); console.log(a); // true
When the typeof operator is used for NaN value, it gives a number output. For example,
const a = 4 - 'hello'; console.log(a); // NaN console.log(typeof a); // "number"
JavaScript Infinity
In JavaScript, when the calculation is done that exceeds the biggest (or littlest) conceivable number, Infinity (or – Infinity) is returned. For instance,
const a = 2 / 0; console.log(a); // Infinity const a = -2 / 0; console.log(a); // -Infinity
JavaScript BigInt
In JavaScript, Number sort can just represent numbers less than (253 – 1)) and more than – (253 – 1). Nonetheless, on the off chance that you need to use a bigger number than that, you can use the BigInt data type.
A BigInt number is made by annexing n to the end of an integer. For instance,
// BigInt value const value = 900719925124740998n; // Adding two big integers const value1 = value + 1n; console.log(value1); // returns "900719925124740999n"
Note: BigInt was introduced in the newer version of JavaScript and is not supported by many browsers. Visit JavaScript BigInt support to learn more.
JavaScript Numbers Are Stored in 64-bit
In JavaScript, numbers are stored in 64-bit format IEEE-754, also known as “double-precision floating-point numbers”.
The numbers are stored in 64 bits (the number is stored in 0 to 51-bit positions, the example in 52 to 62-bit positions, and the sign-in 63-bit position).
Numbers | Exponent | Sign |
52 bits(0 – 51) | 11 bits(52- 62) | 1 bit(63) |
Precision Problems
Operations on floating-point numbers results in some unexpected results. For example,
const a = 0.1 + 0.2; console.log(a); // 0.30000000000000004
The result ought to be 0.3 rather than 0.30000000000000004. This mistake happens in light of the fact that in JavaScript, numbers are stored in binary form to represent decimal digits inside. Also, decimal numbers can’t be represented in a binary form precisely.
To solve the above issue, you can accomplish something like this:
const a = (0.1 * 10 + 0.2 * 10) / 10; console.log(a); // 0.3
You can also use the toFixed() method.
const a = 0.1 + 0.2; console.log(a.toFixed(2)); // 0.30
toFixed(2) rounds up the decimal number to two decimal values.
const a = 9999999999999999 console.log(a); // 10000000000000000
Note: Integers are accurate up to 15 digits.
Number Objects
You can also create numbers using the new keyword. For example,
const a = 45; // creating a number object const b = new Number(45); console.log(a); // 45 console.log(b); // 45 console.log(typeof a); // "number" console.log(typeof b); // "object"
Note: It is prescribed to try not to use number objects. Using number objects slows down the program.
JavaScript Number Methods
Here is a list of built-in number methods in JavaScript.
Method | Description |
isNaN() | determines whether the passed value is NaN |
isFinite() | determines whether the passed value is a finite number |
isInteger() | determines whether the passed value is an integer |
isSafeInteger() | determines whether the passed value is a safe integer |
parseFloat(string) | converts the numeric floating string to floating-point number |
parseInt(string, [radix]) | converts the numeric string to integer |
toExponential(fractionDigits) | returns a string value for a number in exponential notation |
toFixed(digits) | returns a string value for a number in fixed-point notation |
toPrecision() | returns a string value for a number to a specified precision |
toString([radix]) | returns a string value in a specified radix(base) |
valueof() | returns the numbers value |
toLocaleString() | returns a string with a language sensitive representation of a number |
For example,
// check if a is integer const a = 12; console.log(Number.isInteger(a)); // true // check if b is NaN const b = NaN; console.log(Number.isNaN(b)); // true // display upto two decimal point const d = 5.1234; console.log(d.toFixed(2)); // 5.12
JavaScript Number Properties
Here is a list of Number properties in JavaScript.
Property | Description |
EPSILON | returns the smallest interval between two representable numbers |
MAX_SAFE_INTEGER | returns the maximum safe integer |
MAX_VALUE | returns the largest possible value |
MIN_SAFE_INTEGER | returns the minimum safe integer |
MIN_VALUE | returns the smallest possible value |
NaN | represents ‘Not-a-Number’ value |
NEGATIVE_INFINITY | represents negative infinity |
POSITIVE_INFINITY | represents positive infinity |
prototype | allows the addition of properties to Number objects |
For example,
// largest possible value const a = Number.MAX_VALUE; console.log(a); // 1.7976931348623157e+308 // maximum safe integer const a = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; console.log(a); // 9007199254740991
JavaScript Number() Function
The Number() function is used to convert various data types to numbers. For example,
const a = '23'; // string const b = true; // boolean //converting to number const result1 = Number(a); const result2 = Number(b); console.log(result1); // 23 console.log(result2); // 1
If you want to learn more about the number conversion, visit JavaScript Type Conversion.
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