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Deque Data Structure

Deque Data Structure
Deque Data Structure

In this tutorial, you will learn what a double-ended queue (deque) is. Likewise, you will discover working instances of various operations on a deque in C, C++, Java, and Python.

Introduction to Deques

A deque, otherwise called a double-ended queue, is an ordered assortment of items like the queue. It has two ends, a front, and rear, and the items remain situated in the assortment. What makes a deque different is the unrestrictive nature of adding and eliminating items. New items can be added at either the front or the rear. In like manner, existing items can be eliminated from one or the flip side. One might say, this hybrid linear structure provides all the capabilities of stacks and queues in a single data structure.

Deque or Double Ended Queue is a type of queue wherein insertion and removal of elements can be performed from either from the front or back. Subsequently, it doesn’t follow the FIFO rule (First In First Out).

Types of Deque

  • Input Restricted Deque

In this deque, input is restricted at a single end however allows erasure at both the finishes.

  • Output Restricted Deque

In this deque, the output is restricted at a single end yet allows insertion at both ends.

Operations on a Deque

Below is the circular array implementation of the deque. In a circular array, if the array is full, we start from the beginning.

In any case, in a linear array execution, if the array is full, no more elements can be inserted. In every one of the activities beneath, if the array is full, an “overflow message” is thrown.

Before to playing out the accompanying tasks, these steps are followed.

  1. Take an exhibit (deque) of size n.

2. Set two pointers at the principal position and set front = – 1 and back = 0.

1. Insert at the Front

This operation adds an element at the front.

  1. Check the position of front.

2. If front < 1, reinitialize front = n-1 (last index).

3. Else, decrease front by 1.
4. Add the new key 5 into the array[front].

2. Insert at the Rear

This operation adds an element to the rear.

  1. Check if the array is full.

2. If the deque is full, reinitialize rear = 0.
3, Else, increase rear by 1.

4. Add the new key 5 into array[rear].

3. Delete from the Front

The activity erases an element from the front.

  1. Check if the deque is unfilled.

2. If the deque is empty (i.e. front = -1), deletion cannot be performed (underflow condition).

3. If the deque has only one element (i.e. front = rear), set front = -1 and rear = -1.

4. Else if front is at the end (i.e. front = n – 1), set go to the front front = 0.

5. Else, front = front + 1.

Delete from the Rear

This activity erases an element from the back.

  1. Check if the deque is vacant.

2. If the deque is empty (i.e. front = -1), deletion cannot be performed (underflow condition).
3. If the deque has only one element (i.e. front = rear), set front = -1 and rear = -1, else follow the steps below.
4. If rear is at the front (i.e. rear = 0), set go to the front rear = n – 1.
5. Else, rear = rear – 1.

  1. Check Empty

This activity checks if the deque is vacant. On the off chance that front = – 1, the deque is vacant.

  1. Check Full

This activity checks if the deque is full. In the event that front = 0 and back = n – 1 OR front = back + 1, the deque is full.

Deque Implementation in Python, Java, C, and C++


# Deque implementaion in python

class Deque:
    def __init__(self):
        self.items = []

    def isEmpty(self):
        return self.items == []

    def addRear(self, item):

    def addFront(self, item):
        self.items.insert(0, item)

    def removeFront(self):
        return self.items.pop()

    def removeRear(self):
        return self.items.pop(0)

    def size(self):
        return len(self.items)

d = Deque()


// Deque implementation in Java

class Deque {
  static final int MAX = 100;
  int arr[];
  int front;
  int rear;
  int size;

  public Deque(int size) {
    arr = new int[MAX];
    front = -1;
    rear = 0;
    this.size = size;

  boolean isFull() {
    return ((front == 0 && rear == size - 1) || front == rear + 1);

  boolean isEmpty() {
    return (front == -1);

  void insertfront(int key) {
    if (isFull()) {

    if (front == -1) {
      front = 0;
      rear = 0;

    else if (front == 0)
      front = size - 1;

      front = front - 1;

    arr[front] = key;

  void insertrear(int key) {
    if (isFull()) {
      System.out.println(" Overflow ");

    if (front == -1) {
      front = 0;
      rear = 0;

    else if (rear == size - 1)
      rear = 0;

      rear = rear + 1;

    arr[rear] = key;

  void deletefront() {
    if (isEmpty()) {
      System.out.println("Queue Underflow\n");

    // Deque has only one element
    if (front == rear) {
      front = -1;
      rear = -1;
    } else if (front == size - 1)
      front = 0;

      front = front + 1;

  void deleterear() {
    if (isEmpty()) {
      System.out.println(" Underflow");

    if (front == rear) {
      front = -1;
      rear = -1;
    } else if (rear == 0)
      rear = size - 1;
      rear = rear - 1;

  int getFront() {
    if (isEmpty()) {
      System.out.println(" Underflow");
      return -1;
    return arr[front];

  int getRear() {
    if (isEmpty() || rear < 0) {
      System.out.println(" Underflow\n");
      return -1;
    return arr[rear];

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Deque dq = new Deque(4);

    System.out.println("Insert element at rear end : 12 ");

    System.out.println("insert element at rear end : 14 ");

    System.out.println("get rear element : " + dq.getRear());

    System.out.println("After delete rear element new rear become : " + dq.getRear());

    System.out.println("inserting element at front end");

    System.out.println("get front element: " + dq.getFront());


    System.out.println("After delete front element new front become : " + +dq.getFront());



// Deque implementation in C

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX 10

void addFront(int *, int, int *, int *);
void addRear(int *, int, int *, int *);
int delFront(int *, int *, int *);
int delRear(int *, int *, int *);
void display(int *);
int count(int *);

int main() {
  int arr[MAX];
  int front, rear, i, n;

  front = rear = -1;
  for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
    arr[i] = 0;

  addRear(arr, 5, &front, &rear);
  addFront(arr, 12, &front, &rear);
  addRear(arr, 11, &front, &rear);
  addFront(arr, 5, &front, &rear);
  addRear(arr, 6, &front, &rear);
  addFront(arr, 8, &front, &rear);

  printf("\nElements in a deque: ");

  i = delFront(arr, &front, &rear);
  printf("\nremoved item: %d", i);

  printf("\nElements in a deque after deletion: ");

  addRear(arr, 16, &front, &rear);
  addRear(arr, 7, &front, &rear);

  printf("\nElements in a deque after addition: ");

  i = delRear(arr, &front, &rear);
  printf("\nremoved item: %d", i);

  printf("\nElements in a deque after deletion: ");

  n = count(arr);
  printf("\nTotal number of elements in deque: %d", n);

void addFront(int *arr, int item, int *pfront, int *prear) {
  int i, k, c;

  if (*pfront == 0 && *prear == MAX - 1) {
    printf("\nDeque is full.\n");

  if (*pfront == -1) {
    *pfront = *prear = 0;
    arr[*pfront] = item;

  if (*prear != MAX - 1) {
    c = count(arr);
    k = *prear + 1;
    for (i = 1; i <= c; i++) {
      arr[k] = arr[k - 1];
    arr[k] = item;
    *pfront = k;
  } else {
    arr[*pfront] = item;

void addRear(int *arr, int item, int *pfront, int *prear) {
  int i, k;

  if (*pfront == 0 && *prear == MAX - 1) {
    printf("\nDeque is full.\n");

  if (*pfront == -1) {
    *prear = *pfront = 0;
    arr[*prear] = item;

  if (*prear == MAX - 1) {
    k = *pfront - 1;
    for (i = *pfront - 1; i < *prear; i++) {
      k = i;
      if (k == MAX - 1)
        arr[k] = 0;
        arr[k] = arr[i + 1];
  arr[*prear] = item;

int delFront(int *arr, int *pfront, int *prear) {
  int item;

  if (*pfront == -1) {
    printf("\nDeque is empty.\n");
    return 0;

  item = arr[*pfront];
  arr[*pfront] = 0;

  if (*pfront == *prear)
    *pfront = *prear = -1;

  return item;

int delRear(int *arr, int *pfront, int *prear) {
  int item;

  if (*pfront == -1) {
    printf("\nDeque is empty.\n");
    return 0;

  item = arr[*prear];
  arr[*prear] = 0;
  if (*prear == -1)
    *pfront = -1;
  return item;

void display(int *arr) {
  int i;

  printf("\n front:  ");
  for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
    printf("  %d", arr[i]);
  printf("  :rear");

int count(int *arr) {
  int c = 0, i;

  for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
    if (arr[i] != 0)
  return c;


// Deque implementation in C++

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#define MAX 10

class Deque {
  int arr[MAX];
  int front;
  int rear;
  int size;

  Deque(int size) {
    front = -1;
    rear = 0;
    this->size = size;

  void insertfront(int key);
  void insertrear(int key);
  void deletefront();
  void deleterear();
  bool isFull();
  bool isEmpty();
  int getFront();
  int getRear();

bool Deque::isFull() {
  return ((front == 0 && rear == size - 1) ||
      front == rear + 1);

bool Deque::isEmpty() {
  return (front == -1);

void Deque::insertfront(int key) {
  if (isFull()) {
    cout << "Overflow\n"
       << endl;

  if (front == -1) {
    front = 0;
    rear = 0;

  else if (front == 0)
    front = size - 1;

    front = front - 1;

  arr[front] = key;

void Deque ::insertrear(int key) {
  if (isFull()) {
    cout << " Overflow\n " << endl;

  if (front == -1) {
    front = 0;
    rear = 0;

  else if (rear == size - 1)
    rear = 0;

    rear = rear + 1;

  arr[rear] = key;

void Deque ::deletefront() {
  if (isEmpty()) {
    cout << "Queue Underflow\n"
       << endl;

  if (front == rear) {
    front = -1;
    rear = -1;
  } else if (front == size - 1)
    front = 0;

    front = front + 1;

void Deque::deleterear() {
  if (isEmpty()) {
    cout << " Underflow\n"
       << endl;

  if (front == rear) {
    front = -1;
    rear = -1;
  } else if (rear == 0)
    rear = size - 1;
    rear = rear - 1;

int Deque::getFront() {
  if (isEmpty()) {
    cout << " Underflow\n"
       << endl;
    return -1;
  return arr[front];

int Deque::getRear() {
  if (isEmpty() || rear < 0) {
    cout << " Underflow\n"
       << endl;
    return -1;
  return arr[rear];

int main() {
  Deque dq(4);

  cout << "insert element at rear end \n";

  cout << "rear element: "
     << dq.getRear() << endl;

  cout << "after deletion of the rear element, the new rear element: " << dq.getRear() << endl;

  cout << "insert element at front end \n";


  cout << "front element: " << dq.getFront() << endl;


  cout << "after deletion of front element new front element: " << dq.getFront() << endl;

Time Complexity

The time complexity of all the above operations is constant i.e. O(1).

Applications of Deque Data Structure

  1. In undo operations on the software.
  2. To store history in browsers.
  3. For implementing both stacks and queues.

Thanks for reading! We hope you found this tutorial helpful and we would love to hear your feedback in the Comments section below. And show us what you’ve learned by sharing your photos and creative projects with us.

salman khan

Written by worldofitech

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