Swift Operator: In this tutorial, you’ll learn everything about various types of operators in the Swift programming language, their syntax, and how to use them with examples.
In this article, you will learn-
- 1 What are the Operators in Swift?
- 2 Types of Operators
- 3 1. Swift Arithmetic Operator
- 4 Example 1: Arithmetic Operators in Swift
- 5 2. Swift Assignment Operators
- 6 Example 2: Assignment Operators
- 7 3. Swift Comparison Operators
- 8 4. Swift Logical Operator
- 9 5. Swift Bitwise Operators
- 10 6. Other Swift Operators
What are the Operators in Swift?
Operators are special symbols or phrases that programmers use to check, join, or change values. For instance, the multiplication operator (*) multiplies two numbers together. Another complex example incorporates the logical AND operator && (as in if username && password) and the increment operator ++i, which is a shortcut to increase the value of I by 1. Swift supports most standard C operators and eliminates several common coding errors.
Operators are special symbols that perform operations on variables and values. For instance,
print(5 + 6) // 11
Here, + is an operator that adds two numbers: 5 and 6.
Types of Operators
Here’s a list of various sorts of Swift operators that you will learn in this tutorial.
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Other Operators
1. Swift Arithmetic Operator
Arithmetica operator is used to performing mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and so forth For instance,
var sub = 10 - 5 // 5
Here, – is an arithmetic operator that subtracts two values or variables.
Operator | Operation | Example |
+ | Addition | 5 + 2 = 7 |
– | Subtraction | 4 – 2 = 2 |
* | Multiplication | 2 * 3 = 6 |
/ | Division | 4 / 2 = 2 |
% | Modulo | 5 % 2 = 1 |
Example 1: Arithmetic Operators in Swift
var a = 7 var b = 2 // addition print (a + b) // subtraction print (a - b) // multiplication print (a * b)
9 5 14
In the above example, we have used
- + to add a and b
- – to subtract b from a
- * to multiply a and b
/ Division Operator
The / operator performs division between two numbers. In any case, if two numbers are integers, we will just get the quotient. For instance,
// returns quotient only 7 / 2 = 3
On the off chance that we use the / operator with floating-point numbers, we will get the actual outcome. For instance,
// perform division 7.0 / 3.0 = 3.5
% Modulo Operator
The modulo operator % computes the remainder. For instance,
print(9 % 4) // 1
Note: The % operator can only be used with integers.
2. Swift Assignment Operators
Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. For instance,
// assign 5 to x var x = 5
Here, = is an assignment operator that assigns 5 to x. Here’s a list of various assignment operators accessible in Swift.
Operator | Name | Example |
= | Assignment Operator | a = 7 |
+= | Addition Assignment | a += 1 // a = a + 1 |
-= | Subtraction Assignment | a -= 3 // a = a – 3 |
*= | Multiplication Assignment | a *= 4 // a = a * 4 |
/= | Division Assignment | a /= 3 // a = a / 3 |
%= | Remainder Assignment | a %= 10 // a = a % 5 |
Example 2: Assignment Operators
// assign 10 to a var a = 10 // assign 5 to b var b = 5 // assign the sum of a and b to a a += b // a = a + b print(a)
3. Swift Comparison Operators
Comparison operators compare two values/variables and return a boolean outcome: true or false. For instance,
var a = 5, b =2 print (a > b) // true
Here, the > comparison operator is used to compare whether a is greater than b or not.
Operator | Meaning | Example |
== | Is Equal To | 3 == 5 gives us false |
!= | Not Equal To | 3 != 5 gives us true |
> | Greater Than | 3 > 5 gives us false |
< | Less Than | 3 < 5 gives us true |
>= | Greater Than or Equal To | 3 >= 5 give us false |
<= | Less Than or Equal To | 3 <= 5 gives us true |
Example 3: Comparison Operators
var a = 5, b = 2 // equal to operator print(a == b) // not equal to operator print(a != b) // greater than operator print(a > b) // less than operator print(a < b) // greater than or equal to operator print(a >= b) // less than or equal to operator print(a <= b)
false true true false true false
Note: Comparison operators are used in decision-making and loops. We’ll discuss more of the comparison operator in later tutorials.
4. Swift Logical Operator
Logical operators are used to checking whether an expression is true or false. They are used in decision-making. For instance,
var a = 5, b = 6 print((a > 2) && (b >= 6)) // true
Here, && is the logical operator AND. Since both a > 2 and b >= 6 are true, the result is true.
Operator | Example | Meaning |
&& | a && b | Logical AND:true only if both the operands are true |
|| | a || b | Logical OR:true if at least one of the operands is true |
! | !a | Logical NOT:true if the operand is false and vice-versa. |
Example 4: Logical Operators
// logical AND print(true && true) // true print(true && false) // false // logical OR print(true || false) // true // logical NOT print(!true) // false
true false true false
5. Swift Bitwise Operators
In Swift, bitwise operators are used to perform operations on individual pieces.
Operator | Description |
& | Binary AND |
| | Binary OR |
^ | Binary XOR |
~ | Binary One’s Complement |
<< | Binary Shift Left |
>> | Binary Shift Right |
Bitwise operators are rarely used in everyday programming.
6. Other Swift Operators
Bitwise administrators are seldom utilized in ordinary programming.
Here’s a list of different operators accessible in Swift. We’ll learn more about these operators in later tutorials
Operator | Description | Example |
? : | Ternary Operator – returns value based on the condition | (5 > 2) ? “Success” : “Error” // Success |
?? | Nil-Coalescing Operator – checks whether an optional contains a value or not | number ?? 5 |
… | Range Operator – defines range containing values | 1…3 // range containing values 1,2,3 |
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