In this tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript regular expressions (Regex) with the assistance of examples.
In this article, you will learn-
- 1 What Is a Regular Expression?
- 2 Create a RegEx
- 3 Determine Pattern Using RegEx
- 4 MetaCharacters
- 5 [] – Square brackets
- 6 . – Period
- 7 ^ – Caret
- 8 $ – Dollar
- 9 *- Star
- 10 +- Plus
- 11 ? – Question Mark
- 12 {} – Braces
- 13 | – Alternation
- 14 () – Group
- 15 \ – Backslash
- 16 Special Sequences
- 17 JavaScript Regular Expression Methods
- 18 Regular Expression Flags
- 19 Example 3: Validating the Phone Number
- 20 Example 4: Validating the Email Address
What Is a Regular Expression?
A regular expression is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern.
At the point when you look for information in a text, you can use this search pattern to portray what you are looking for.
A regular expression can be a single character or a more complicated example.
regular expressions can be used to play out a wide range of text search and text replace activities.
In JavaScript, a Regular Expression (RegEx) is an object that portrays an arrangement of characters used for characterizing a search pattern. For instance,
The above code characterizes a RegEx design. An example is any five-letter string beginning with an and finishing with s.
An example characterized using RegEx can be used to coordinate against a string.
Expression | String | Matched? |
/^a…s$/ | abs | No match |
alias | Match | |
abyss | Match | |
Alias | No match | |
An abacus | No match |
Create a RegEx
There are two different ways you can create a regular expression in JavaScript.
- Using a regular expression literal:
The regular expression comprises of an example enclosed between slashes/. For instance,
cost regularExp = /abc/;
Here, /abc/ is a regular expression.
2. Using the RegExp() constructor function:
You can likewise create a regular expression by calling the RegExp() constructor work. For instance,
const reguarExp = new RegExp('abc');
For instance,
const regex = new RegExp(/^a...s$/); console.log(regex.test('alias')); // true
In the above example, the string alias name matches with the RegEx design/^a…s$/. Here, the test() strategy is used to check if the string matches the example.
There are a few different techniques accessible to use with JavaScript RegEx. Before we explore them, we should learn about regular expressions themselves.
In the event that you definitely know the rudiments of RegEx, leap to JavaScript RegEx Methods.
Determine Pattern Using RegEx
To indicate regular expressions, metacharacters are used. In the above example (/^a…s$/), ^ and $ are metacharacters.
Metacharacters are characters that are deciphered in an exceptional manner by a RegEx engine. Here’s the list of metacharacters:
[] – Square brackets
Square brackets specify a set of characters you wish to match.
Expression | String | Matched? |
[abc] | a | 1 match |
ac | 2 matches | |
Hey Sohail | No match | |
abc de ca | 5 matches |
Here, [abc] will match if the string you are trying to match contains any of the a, b or c.
You can also specify a range of characters using – inside square brackets.
[a-e] is the same as [abcde]. [1-4] is the same as [1234]. [0-39] is the same as [01239].You can complement (invert) the character set by using the caret ^ symbol toward the beginning of a square-bracket.
[^abc] means any character except a or b or c. [^0-9] means any non-digit character.. – Period
A period matches any single character (except newline ‘\n’).
Expression | String | Matched? |
.. | a | No match |
ac | 1 match | |
acd | 1 match | |
acde | 2 matches (contains 4 characters) |
^ – Caret
The caret symbol ^ is used to check if a string starts with a certain character.
Expression | String | Matched? |
^a | a | 1 match |
abc | 1 match | |
bac | No match | |
^ab | abc | 1 match |
acb | No match (starts with a but not followed by b) |
$ – Dollar
The dollar symbol $ is used to check if a string ends with a certain character.
Expression | String | Matched? |
a$ | a | 1 match |
formula | 1 match | |
cab | No match |
*- Star
The star symbol * matches zero or more occurrences of the pattern left to it.
Expression | String | Matched? |
ma*n | mn | 1 match |
man | 1 match | |
mann | 1 match | |
main | No match (a is not followed by n) | |
woman | 1 match |
+- Plus
The plus symbol + matches one or more occurrences of the pattern left to it.
Expression | String | Matched? |
ma+n | mn | No match (no a character) |
man | 1 match | |
mann | 1 match | |
main | No match (a is not followed by n) | |
woman | 1 match |
? – Question Mark
The question mark symbol? matches zero or one occurrence of the pattern left to it.
Expression | String | Matched? |
ma?n | mn | 1 match |
man | 1 match | |
mann | No match (more than one n character) | |
main | No match (a is not followed by n) | |
woman | 1 match |
{} – Braces
Think about this code: {n,m}. This implies at any rate n, and at most m repetitions of the example left to it.
Expression | String | Matched? |
a{2,3} | abc dat | No match |
abc daat | 1 match (at daat) | |
aabc daaat | 2 matches (at aabc and daaat) | |
aabc daaaat | 2 matches (at aabc and daaaat) |
How about we attempt one more example. This RegEx [0-9]{2, 4} matches at any rate 2 digits yet not more than 4digits.
Expression | String | Matched? |
[0-9]{2,4} | ab123csde | 1 match (match at ab123csde) |
12 and 345673 | 3 matches (12, 3456, 73) | |
1 and 2 | No match |
| – Alternation
Vertical bar | is used for alternation (or operator).
Expression | String | Matched? |
a|b | cde | No match |
ade | 1 match (match at ade) | |
acdbea | 3 matches (at acdbea) |
Here, a|b match any string that contains either a or b
() – Group
Parentheses () is used to group sub-designs. For instance, (a|b|c)xz coordinate any string that matches either an or b or c followed by xz
Expression | String | Matched? |
(a|b|c)xz | ab xz | No match |
abxz | 1 match (match at abxz) | |
axz cabxz | 2 matches (at axzbc cabxz) |
\ – Backslash
Backslash \ is used to escape different characters including all metacharacters. For instance,
\$a coordinate if a string contains $ followed by a. Here, $ isn’t deciphered by a RegEx engine in a special manner.
On the off chance that you are uncertain if a character has uncommon importance or not, you can put \ before it. This ensures the character isn’t treated in an extraordinary manner.
Special Sequences
Special sequences make normally used examples simpler to compose. Here’s a list of special sequences:
\A – Matches if the predefined characters are toward the beginning of a string.
Expression | String | Matched? |
\Athe | the sun | Match |
In the sun | No match |
\b – Matches if the specified characters are at the beginning or end of a word.
Expression | String | Matched? |
\bfoo | football | Match |
a football | Match | |
foo\b | a football | No match |
the foo | Match | |
the afoo test | Match | |
the afootest | No match |
\B – Opposite of \b. Matches if the specified characters are not at the beginning or end of a word.
Expression | String | Matched? |
\Bfoo | football | No match |
a football | No match | |
foo\B | a football | Match |
the foo | No match | |
the afoo test | No match | |
the afootest | Match |
\d – Matches any decimal digit. Equivalent to [0-9]
Expression String Matched? \d 12abc3 3 matches (at 12abc3) JavaScript No match
\D – Matches any non-decimal digit. Equivalent to [^0-9]
Expression String Matched? \D 1ab34″50 3 matches (at 1ab34″50) 1345 No match
\s – Matches where a string contains any whitespace character. Identical to [ \t\n\r\f\v].
Expression | String | Matched? |
\s | JavaScript RegEx | 1 match |
JavaScriptRegEx | No match |
\S – Matches where a string contains any non-whitespace character. Identical to [^ \t\n\r\f\v].
Expression | String | Matched? |
\S | a b | 2 matches (at a b) |
No match |
\w – Matches any alphanumeric character (digits and alphabets)). Identical to [a-zA-Z0-9_]. Coincidentally, underscore _ is likewise viewed as an alphanumeric character.
Expression | String | Matched? |
\w | 12&”: ;c | 3 matches (at 12&”: ;c) |
%”> ! | No match |
\W – Matches any non-alphanumeric character. Identical to [^a-zA-Z0-9_]
Expression String Matched? \W 1a2%c 1 match (at 1a2%c) JavaScript No match
\Z – Matches if the specified characters are at the end of a string.
Expression | String | Matched? |
JavaScript\Z | I like JavaScript | 1 match |
I like JavaScript Programming | No match | |
JavaScript is fun | No match |
Tip: To assemble and test regular expression, you can use RegEx tester tools, for example, regex101. This tool causes you in creating regular expressions, however, it also helps you to learn them.
Presently you comprehend the essentials of RegEx, let’s discuss how to use RegEx in your JavaScript code.
JavaScript Regular Expression Methods
As referenced above, you can either use RegExp() or regular expression literal to make a RegEx in JavaScript.
const regex1 = /^ab/; const regex2 = new Regexp('/^ab/');
In JavaScript, you can use regular expressions with RegExp() strategies: test() and exec().
There are additionally some string strategies that allow you to pass RegEx as its parameter. They are: match(), replace(), search(), and split().
Method | Description |
exec() | Executes a search for a match in a string and returns an array of data. It returns invalid on a mismatch. |
test() | Tests for a match in a string and returns true or false. |
match() | Returns an array containing all the matches. It returns null on a mismatch. |
matchAll() | Returns an iterator containing all of the matches. |
search() | Tests for a match in a string and returns the index of the match. It returns -1 if the search fails. |
replace() | Looks for a match in a string and replaces the coordinated substring with a replacement substring. |
split() | Break a string into an array of substrings. |
Example 1: Regular Expressions
const string = 'Find me'; const pattern = /me/; // search if the pattern is in string variable const result1 =; console.log(result1); // 5 // replace the character with another character const string1 = 'Find me'; string1.replace(pattern, 'found you'); // Find found you // splitting strings into array elements const regex1 = /[\s,]+/; const result2 = 'Hello world! '.split(regex1); console.log(result2); // ["I", "am", "learning", "JavaScript", "RegEx"] // searching the phone number pattern const regex2 = /(\d{3})\D(\d{3})-(\d{4})/g; const result3 = regex2.exec('My phone number is: ..... .'); console.log(result3); // [" -", "", "", ""]
Regular Expression Flags
Flags are used with regular expressions that allow different alternatives, for example, global search case-insensitive search, and so forth They can be used separately or together.
Flags | Description |
g | Performs a global match (find all matches) |
m | Performs multiline match |
i | Performs case-insensitive matching |
Example 2: Regular Expression Modifier
const string = 'Hello hello hello'; // performing a replacement const result1 = string.replace(/hello/, 'world'); console.log(result1); // Hello world hello // performing global replacement const result2 = string.replace(/hello/g, 'world'); console.log(result2); // Hello world world // performing case-insensitive replacement const result3 = string.replace(/hello/i, 'world'); console.log(result3); // world hello hello // performing global case-insensitive replacement const result4 = string.replace(/hello/gi, 'world'); console.log(result4); // world world world
Example 3: Validating the Phone Number
// program to validate the phone number function validatePhone(num) { // regex pattern for phone number const re = /^\(?([X-X]{X})\)?[-. ]?([X-X]{X})[-. ]?([X-X]{X})$/g; // check if the phone number is valid let result = num.match(re); if (result) { console.log('The number is valid.'); } else { let num = prompt('Enter number in XXX-XXX-XXXX format:'); validatePhone(num); } } // take input let number = prompt('Enter a number XXX-XXX-XXXX'); validatePhone(number);
Enter a number XXX-XXX-XXXX: Enter number in XXX-XXX-XXXX format: The number is valid
Example 4: Validating the Email Address
// program to validate the email address function validateEmail(email) { // regex pattern for email const re = /\S+@\S+\.\S+/g; // check if the email is valid let result = re.test(email); if (result) { console.log('The email is valid.'); } else { let newEmail = prompt('Enter a valid email:'); validateEmail(newEmail); } } // take input let email = prompt('Enter an email: '); validateEmail(email);
Enter an email: hello hello Enter a valid email: [email protected] The email is valid.
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